Anthony (Tony) AR Stewart, Solicitor Wollongong NSW Australia

About Anthony R A Stewart

Anthony R A Stewart Law Practice was established in January 2016 and we moved into our office at 16, 41 Market Street, Wollongong in September 2016 (next door to Wollongong Court House).

Brief bio — Anthony Stewart, Solicitor

Anthony has been practising as a Solicitor for 18 years. Since opening his own law practice, Anthony has successfully appeared for many defendants as part of his criminal law practice in the Local and District Courts. He has successfully defended clients and has also been successful in obtaining section 10’s, section 14 applications and bail applications, including bail refused and show cause. Anthony is a member of the Legal Aid Summary Criminal Law Panel. Anthony has also successfully represented clients in committals and indictable matters. Anthony has successfully represented many clients in traffic matters in the Local and District Courts. He has appeared in civil and tenancy matters in the Local Court and NCAT. He has acted for both the vendor and the purchaser in residential conveyancing matters. He has acted in Probate matters. He has compiled Wills, Enduring Powers of Attorney and Appointments of Enduring Guardian. He has provided advice on family law, anti-discrimination law, freedom of information law and privacy law. Prior to establishing his own law practice, Anthony was a Solicitor and Senior Prosecutor with the Roads and Traffic Authority/Roads and Maritime Services. He provided legal advice and appeared in courts and tribunals around New South Wales. He provided legal advice in road transport law on compliance and prosecutions. He provided legal advice on civil litigation, insurance, coronial inquests, anti-discrimination, freedom of information and privacy matters.


  • Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice (GDLP) 2006, University of Wollongong
  • Bachelor of Laws (LLB) 2005, University of Wollongong
  • Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) 2004, Accountancy, University of Wollongong